Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards

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Does stress send you into a spiral of eating anything and everything that’s loaded in sugar or fat like ice cream or chips?

If so, you’re not alone.




A recent Huffington Post survey of US adults found that almost everyone (91%) say they experience some level of stress in their life while 77% say that they’re regularly stressed out. Nearly half of these who said they’re stressed eat more as a response. .During times of stress, we often turn to traditional “comfort” foods such as macaroni and cheese, pizza, and ice cream. Ironically,

High-fat foods are usually the worst possible choices because they can make us feel lethargic and less able to deal with stress. Not only that, but stress can drive up our blood pressure and raise serum cholesterol levels, wreaking havoc on our arteries and increasing our risk of heart attack. If you don’t implement healthier ways to cope with your emotional needs, it will become increasingly harder to maintain a healthy weight.


So how can we prevent ourselves from going too far?

  • High-fiber, carbohydrate-rich foods: Low-fat, high-fiber, carbohydrate-rich meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables.Scientists believe carbohydrates cause the brain to produce more serotonin, a hormone that relaxes us. And lots of fiber is helpful in preventing late-night binging.
  • Fruits and vegetables:Chronic stress can weaken our ability to fight disease. By upping our intake of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, we can boost our immune system
  • Have a glass of water: Then decide if you still “need” to eat.
  • Just WAIT: When you’re reaching for ice cream, chips or a cookie, think WAIT, which stands for what am I thinking? In most cases, just thinking WAIT will help you realize that you aren’t physically hungry but you’re feeding your emotions.

Last but not the least; massage at your favourite spa can work as a perfect panacea for any stress. So next time you feel stressed, make it as hedonistic as a dessert!



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