Relief from Back & Joint Pain with Roller Therapy

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Relief from Back and Joint Pain

Back and Joint Pain is the cost of modern fast paced lifestyle especially for people above 30. However, one needs to age gracefully and without worrying about these Back & Joint niggles, adopt simple & easy remedies to ensure speed and pace to keep up with demands of boss, parents, spouse and children.

 At Blue Terra Wellness Spa, we receive huge number of queries related to back and joint pain. Surprisingly it is not just the old generation but the young high fliers who are facing back and joint pain early in their lives.  

It is tough to identify the root cause of back pain and joint pain in younger generation – It may be poor nutrition, poor life style, lack of physical activity, too much of desk work or too much of screen gazing or simply combination of these factors. We need to take good care of our back and joints to help us through our old age, and lead a pain free life.

Relief from Back & Joint Pain

Roller Therapy is an exclusive therapy designed to provide relief from Back & Joint Pain while providing relaxation to body, mind and soul. One will be surprised to know that design of this therapy originates from house hold remedies only. Roller Therapy starts with Roller massage (our good old roller pin used in every household) on affected part (like Back or legs) for approx. 15 min. This is followed by relaxing rejuvenation Deep Tissue massage to relax entire body and feel rejuvenated.

Our in-house doctors have curated and researched on various massage techniques and identified this as one of the most effective for Back & Joint Pain. Rigorous training has been provided to all therapists.

So don’t wait for back pain to become bigger. If you take care of your back and joint now, they will take care of you for a long time.  Take out few hours for yourself, relax, rejuvenate and experience relief from Back & Joint Pain.




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