Can Acupressure techniques reach where medicines cannot?

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Though we say that there is no such alternative to medicines but in some cases, we can find few. And that few other methods are Alternative Medicine or Alternative Healing.

Here we will be talking about an old yet an uncommon technique of dealing with various bodily issues and that is Acupressure. This is the one of the many alternative to medical treatment.

Acupressure is mainly based on the concept of life energy which flows through the meridians in the body.  In this treatment, the physical pressure is applied to the various acupuncture points to clear the blockages in the meridians.  The pressure can be given by hand or by the elbows or with other devices.

Acupressure as an alternative method of healing

Acupressure can be effective if done in a proper way.  A medical research has suggested that this process is effective to deal with nausea and vomiting, lower back pain, headaches, stomach ache and various other bodily issues.

Though medicines work like magic but this particular technique can be highly effective and can even give better results at the end.

This particular method is applied by various ways like rubbing, rolling or applying pressure on the various acupressure points.  This particular pressure if gets applied gives relieve from various muscle and joint pains by releasing the nodules in the affected area.

Hand Reflexology
Pressure points on Hands

Benefits of Acupressure

Acupressure has several advantages on our bodies because of which many people prefer this particular method of massage.

  • Helps to reduce muscle tension– It is widely used to reduce muscle tension in the body.  Acupressure is more like a body massage which is done to get relief from various pain It also helps in blood circulation.
  • Helps people to get calm– It also helps to make people cool down after excess aggression.  In this way, the mind works better.
  • It also helps to reduce the need for OTC Drugs– People do not have to use OTC drugs for headaches, cold and various other a The process of acupressure helps to heal every such ailment.  It helps people to get less dependent on medicine for these issues.

There is a particular method by which acupressure works.  It is more like a message therapy but gives better comfort to the body.

Technique of Acupressure

The acupressure practitioners use fingers, palms and elbows to apply pressure on the different body meridians.   It also involves stretching like the way it is done in massage for joints.

Elbows are used for applying pressure
Technique of Acupressure

During acupressure a person lies down on a soft massage table. Then the practitioner slowly presses on the acupressure points on the body.  This therapy is done for at least an hour to make a person feel better. This should be practiced for one week to get an effective result.

Pain relief Massage

Acupressure can also be called as a massage for pain relief.   Any kind of bodily pain can be easily dealt by acupressure.  Apart from pain this particular exercise also helps the mind to get free from excess stress and tension.

Deep tissue massage is another important therapy which people undergoes during chronic muscle tension.  In this massage the focus remains more on the deepest layers of the muscle tissue, tendons and fascia.  This therapy is very much similar to Swedish massage but with the higher intensity of pressure.

Massage therapy is very important for anyone and everyone at certain point of time.  Though there are medicines for several back pains or neck pains but a proper massage like acupressure can heal out the pain in a much efficient way.

Though we know that it is highly productive for various body pains yet it is important to know that during certain situations it is better not to perform acupressure.

Pressure points on Feet
Foot Reflexology

Avoid Acupressure in following situations

During the time of pregnancy– It is definitely not at all feasible to undergo acupressure during pregnancy.  This may lead to miscarriage. A mother should never undergo acupressure during pregnancy.  A light oil massage is preferable if the pain gets too much.

People with fractured bone should never try acupressure to get relief from pain.  Applying pressure on the fractured bones may lead to more damage.

Acupressure is indeed the most vital healing process for pains and muscle tension.
It sometimes works much better than the medicine.
But sometimes it may take longer time to heal the pain. 
All the pressure points take more than five to ten minutes to get stimulated on the body.
This method is one of the most effective technique for Body Pain.

Nevertheless this method of massage is the most effective one for every body pain.  Quite often people undergo this method to get a proper result.

It is recommended to all that if body pain and muscle pull are really making you suffer a lot then don’t just depend on medicine but take the help of acupressure healing technique. It is natural, better and effective.

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