Ayurvedic Relief for Joint Pain from Chikunguniya

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Ayurvedic Relief for Joint Pain from Chikungunya


Chikungunya is a viral borne disease spread by mosquito. It is spread in the similar manner as Dengue and causes Fever and severe Joint Pain. Other symptoms of Chikungunya include muscle pain, headache, lethargy, nausea, fatigue and rash. Chikungunya shares lots of symptoms with Dengue except arthralgia (Joint Pain) which is more severe in chikungunya.  This disease has very low mortality rate unlike Dengue fever. In year 2016, 560 cases of Chikungunya have been identified in Delhi but expected cases are much more as lots of cases have gone unreported.

While fever subsides within 1 week in Chikungunya but joint pain may persist for almost a year along with swelling in few cases. Chikungunya also has an impact on one’s immunity.



Symptoms of Chikungunya

  1. Fever –( 102-104 F)
  2. Severe Joint Pain with swelling (Sandhi Asthi Shoola): This is the most debilitating and long lasting impact of this disease. This may last for almost 6 months – 12 months in some cases. This is due to the response of one’s own immune system to parts of the virus that resemble the joint. This phenomenon is called as auto immune response. While the symptoms are less severe in younger patients, the older people and those with existing arthritic tendencies suffer badly.
  3. Body & Muscle Pain (Angamarda)
  4. Rash over body
  5. Nausea/vomiting
  6. Anorexia (Aruchi)
  7. Depletion in strength (Bala Hani)



As the symptoms in Dengue and Chikungunya are almost similar, before treatment is commenced, it is important to reach final diagnosis. This could be done with Blood Test.

  1. Decrease Lymphocyte count
  2. RT –PCR
  3. ELISA for chikungunya specific IgM
  4. Other investigation to rule out Dengue and Malaria

Blood Test could conclusively establish if the patient is suffering from Chikungunya or not.


As of date, no specific treatment is available for Chikungunya. Hence, only symptomatic line of treatment is followed that consists of:

  • Antipyretic/Analgesic drugs
  • Plenty of fluids
  • Rest
  • Light Food

Ayurvedic  view of Chikungunya

In Ayurveda Chikungunya comes under  Visham Jwara. In this Jwara (fever) Vatadi  doshas get aggravated either by unhealthy life style or by any foreign body(Aaguntaja) . Once dosha get aggravated , negative impact of aggravated dosha is visible on body by affecting Dhatuas of the body.

Ayurvedic medicine works as immuno modulator by helping immune system  to fight against foreign body like virus & other complications caused by Virus load in body.  Ayurvedic medicine not only give relief in symptoms but also help to restore damaged tissue.

In addition to Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurvedic therapies helps to restore normal body functioning and healing of damaged tissue. These therapies help to reduce inflammation by giving strength to joints.


Commonly prescribe Ayurvedic drugs for Chikungunya are

  1. Amrototharam Kashayam – Main ingredient of this medicine are Haritaki, Giloy and Sonth and have anti-pyretic, anti arithretic, anti viral and anti bacetrial properties
  2. Panchatikta kashayam – Main ingredients are Kshudra, Amruta, Nagara, Paushkara, Kiratatikta
  3. Sudarshana tablet
  4. Guggulu Tablet


Ayurvedic therapies are extremely helpful in strengthening of bones, joints, reducing body pains and increasing immunity.

  • Abhayangam – It is a ayurvedic full body massage done with medicated warm oil. Long massage strokes in Abhyangam are extremely helpful for detoxification and providing relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Potli – Potli consists of application of hot boluss on affected area. Hot boluss consitst of Ayurvedic medicine like Kolkulatyadi choornam and other Ayurvedic herbs
  • Pizzichil
  • Basti

Diet to be followed during Chikungunya

Light and easily digestible food is recommended during Chikungunya.

  • Rice gruel-Prepared by fried paddy boiled with pepper and ginger, this is good for digestion.
  • Boiled rice
  • Vegetable soup
  • Food prepared of Green Gram and Masoor daal





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