Spa Massage: Best Way to Achieve Your Goal of Post Natal Weight Loss

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post natal massage therapy

Motherhood is indeed the most beautiful journey a woman embarks on. I still remember my joy knew no bounds when I came to know I was expecting. One thing I was extremely worried about during and after my pregnancy was my weight gain. I had a lean body right from my teenage years, it was only during pregnancy that I gained a massive 25 kilograms and shedding that was on my mind by spa massage from day one.

spa massage for post natal weight lossI had cesarean delivery and it was tough for me to even move around initially. My stitches used to hurt and with sleepless nights and taking care of the home, it was impossible for me to follow any kind of fitness regime. I was really tensed about my post natal weight loss and spoke my heart out with my friends and family. Many of them suggested to visit a spa in Gurugram for a proper post natal massage. Though I had hired a maid for giving me and my little one a massage but it did not help me in losing weight. While my husband took care of our baby, I managed to step out for an ayurvedic massage in Gurugram.

spa massage for weight lossWithin a few days I could see a change in myself, not only I lost weight but was also benefited in many other ways. Read on to know more:

Full Relaxation:
As soon as I started with my massage in Gurgaon spa centre, my muscles were relaxed, my circulation improved plus my stress hormones were lowered. This in turn aided post natal weight loss.

Pain Relief:
Another great benefit I got from massage was pain relief. My arm, shoulder and back used to hurt post delivery. My skilled therapist helped me in getting rid of this pain without any kind of medication. Once I felt better, she started using massaging techniques which helped me in losing weight.

slimming oilBalanced Hormones:
Massage at the best spa in Gurgaon also helped me in hormone regulation. We all know hormonal issues and weight loss are connected. My therapist helped in improving my postpartum hormone balance with her excellent massaging techniques.

Improved Immunity:
My regular spa massage sessions helped me recover from my cesarean delivery much faster and most importantly it improved my well-being and immunity.

Now that you know the benefits of getting a spa massage for post natal weight loss, go ahead book your spa session right away.

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