9 Signs That Your Body Needs a Detox Immediately

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We encounter toxic agents every day; plastic bottles,  cookware, carpets,  personal care items,  electronics, bedding and cushions are only a ‘few’ examples of items containing toxic chemicals and pollutants. These chemicals and toxic fumes get absorbed into our bodies very easily and gradual accumulation of these toxins may increase our risk of getting diseases such as fatigue, obesity, infertility, asthma and cancer.

This is why regular detoxification has become a hot topic of discussion in most of the urban areas. Detoxification helps your body eliminate toxic waste stored in your tissues and gives your immune system an extra boost. There are many natural detoxification methods that are safe and reliable; for example detox massage is one such natural way of getting rid of toxins which also helps you look and feel wonderful but let’s first focus on signs to look out for, that tell you it’s time for a detoxification-

Unexplained lethargy

Do you always feel sleepy and sluggish even after a sufficient amount of sleep at night? If you feel low energy levels all the time, it may be due to the high levels of toxins in your body. Drinking coffee might be a quick fix but it will only make the problem worse because those stimulants will make you feel even more tired after some time. A full body detox can help you get rid of that heavy feeling and regain your energy.

Moreover exercise, healthy diet and relaxation techniques like yoga can help you combat stress or stress related tiredness and fatigue. Physical therapies such as stress-relief massage have always been suggested by ayurvedic experts as a first line of defense against lethargy and fatigue.

Brain fog

Brain fog, or brain fatigue, can be described as a mild to severe episode of mental confusion that takes away your ability to concentrate on a task. When your body is full of toxins, you experience a lack of focus, poor memory and mental acuity. Toxins mess with your body’s metabolism and also affect your brain’s condition. When brain fog becomes a regular issue for you and starts affecting your daily life, it points towards an urgent need of detoxification.

Consume foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, folate, and vitamin B-12. Eat avocados, nuts, deep-water fish, such as salmon, pomegranate and whole grains for better brain function.

Bloating, constipation and indigestion

Toxic overload in the body may impair your digestive system by causing chronic constipation; if your body has accumulated years of waste and fecal materials in the bowels and colon over time, it could cause serious problems for your digestive system along with symptoms like tiredness and headaches. You can try adding more fiber, whole grains, fruits, and raw vegetables.

Stay away from junk food, fried items and highly processed food stuff. Instead choose organic fruits and vegetables. However if you suffer from frequent constipation bouts than just making changes in your diet may not give you immediate results. In such cases, colon cleanse helps relieve constipation and also help maintain your digestive health in the long run.

Prolonged Insomnia

A peaceful night time sleep is essential for turning on  the healing mode within your body; but when your body is overloaded with an excessive amount of toxins, getting a good night sleep is not possible.. Melatonin release which is responsible for your sleep cycle may get affected by harmful chemicals. So if you are spending restless nights without getting undisturbed sleep, then it might be a sign of a huge toxic build-up within your body.

 An ayurvedic detox can help your body release more melatonin, and also bring back the harmony among the systems of your body. Detoxification plays a big role in solving sleeping problems; it helps you sleep like a child so you can wake up extremely relaxed every morning.

Mood swings and depression

What you eat mostly decides your mood and feelings. Eating unhealthy junk food can accumulate toxins in your body which eventually make you feel down and tired. This toxic build-up starts obstructing the nutrients from reaching your brain and other parts of the body. As a result, some people stay in a depressed state even after choosing a nutrient-rich diet. So, if you are experiencing mood swings and depression, a herbal detox program can be highly beneficial to you; it works as a powerful force against harmful toxins and flush them away from your system.  Consuming natural detox juices and smoothies every morning can also make you feel fresh and happy all day.

Frequent headache

Mild to low intensity headache on a regular basis may be a sign of toxic build-up within the body. Drinking plenty of water will increase the body’s effectiveness in expelling the toxins. Instead of popping pain killers, visit a nearby spa which offers ayurvedic therapies. Ayurveda has a lot to offer when it comes to treating common illnesses like headaches. Ancient therapies like shirodhara , panchkarma can do wonders and make you feel better instantly.

Whitening of tongue

Most people assume that oral health is only about caring for the teeth and gums; but in reality the tongue is also an important organ which needs care and attention because neglecting  it can put you at risk of various diseases. Pale or white tongue could be a side effect of drinking alcohol, smoking, or having oral bacteria.  Oral detoxification is commonly advised by ayurvedic experts to pull toxins out of your mouth and create a clean oral environment.

Sexual dysfunction 

Don’t be surprised to know that sexual dysfunction that you feel frequently may be a result of toxic accumulation. Dangerous chemicals and toxic build-up in your body affect you physically as well as emotionally. Drug abuse, long term medication and consumption of low-quality food can put a negative effect on your sex drive. Healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, gentle massage from a professional therapist and some ayurvedic supplements can do wonders for your libido. 

Bad breath

Does your bad breath just not go away, even after brushing with the best quality toothpaste? It means that the root cause of bad breath lies much deeper than you think. An imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your system might be the reason behind bad breath. Accumulation of toxins in your digestive tract may be yet another reason for bad breath. An herbal detoxification using herbs and fiber is the best way to get rid of bad breath.


In case you experience any of these symptoms frequently, your body is in need of detoxification. All you need to do is maintain a healthy body that does not need extra detoxification effort if you eat the right and healthy wholesome food.

So there you have it! The process of detoxing is not as difficult or restrictive as you may have thought. It’s likely that boosting your body’s natural detoxification system will be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for you! Moreover, you’ll feel amazing afterwards, which makes it all worthwhile.

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