6 Ways to prevent or reverse osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is common, occurring in upwards of 10 percent of adults over age 50, One out of every two women over the age of 50 will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis. Men are not immune to this problem. 30% of osteoporosis happens in males.

Osteoporosis which is so prevalent now, was virtually unheard of a hundred years ago. It was a rarity until the turn-of-the-century. So what happened? Did our genes change in a hundred years?

No! Genetic material takes thousands of years to change. The only thing that changed was our environment. Our diet and lifestyle are much different than they were hundred years ago and it has caused an epidemic of osteoporosis. So, what do we do? How can we reverse this process?

Here are 6 ways you can prevent or reverse osteoporosis:

Get enough D

Vitamin D deficiency is also epidemic in our society. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium, and put it in the bones. It is also important for immune system modulation, depression, and autoimmune disorders. It is made in your skin when you get out in the sun.

Add calcium

Another risk factor for osteoporosis is not getting enough dietary calcium, the mineral that makes bones strong and also aids myriad bodily functions, such as muscle contractions and nerve signal transmission. When blood levels of calcium fall, your bones “give up” calcium to restore normal levels. Bones are like a mineral savings account: If you keep withdrawing calcium and other minerals, your bones weaken.


Avoid Caffeine

Each cup of coffee that you drink makes you lose 150 mg of calcium in your urine. Chemically decaffeinated coffee is not the answer either though, because it contains harmful chemicals that interfere with the detoxification process. Naturally decaffeinated teas are a better option, but if you must drink caffeinated coffee, at least increase your calcium intake by 150 mg for each cup you drink.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Summer food
Eat healthy and variety

Many fruits and vegetables contain a number of bone-friendly nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and protein. Edible plants also provide anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants, which counter inflammation and oxidative stress, respectively — two cellular conditions associated with aging and many chronic diseases, including osteoporosis


Your bones are constantly being rebuilt in a dynamic process involving the removal of old bone through osteoclasts and regeneration of new, healthy bone by osteoblasts. Load-bearing exercise works to build stronger bones by stimulating cells responsible for the synthesis and mineralization of bone (osteoblasts).

Avoid Carbonated beverage

Carbonated beverages such as soft drinks, Champagne, and sparkling water leach calcium from your bones. A Harvard study on 16 to 20 year-old women showed that half of them were already showing bone loss as a result of excess soft drink intake. Carbonated beverages also have excess phosphates, which cause even more calcium loss.

Reduce Stress

De-stress for a healthier lifestyle
Say good-bye to stress

Stress raises cortisol levels. If cortisol levels are high for long periods of time it can cause bone loss

Stress Management

Stress reduction can include specific activities aimed at invoking the “relaxation response” such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, massage and prayer. It may also include getting more sleep, taking a vacations

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